Kyoto University School of Public Health

Calendar year 2004

Department of Biostatistics

  • Measure of disproportionality in signal detection for postmarketing pharmacovigilance: Consistency with effect measures in epidemiology and examination of consistency with an example

Department of Healthcare Epidemiology

  • The relationship between dental health status or socio-economic status and dental caries prevalence of 3 and 12 year-old children in Japan

Department of Pharmacoepidemiology

  • Evaluation of the post-surgery prognosis of lung cancer in Japan: Five year survival by pathological stage in 1994 and 1998

Department of Healthcare Economics and Quality Management

  • Patterns of resource utilization for AMI patients treated in Japanese hospitals

Department of Medical Ethics

  • Coping with and ethical decisions about withdrawal of nasal feeding in patients with problems in decision-making ability
  • Kyoto University medical ethics committee of graduate school of medicine: Toward a more efficient review
  • Attitude of patients with retinitis pigmentosa toward genetic counseling and genetic testing
  • Life-sustaining treatment in “aged patients in a persistent vegetative state”: Importance of writing an advance directive “living will”

Department of Health Informatics

  • The quality of reporting of randomized controlled trials conducted in Japan: An evaluation based on the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement
  • An evaluative study on maintaining users’ independence within care management – An explorative study on the development of assessment items using a qualitative study on service users –
  • A study on measles vaccination in day-care center attendees: Associated factors related to encouraging vaccination in children not yet immunized
  • A study on bereaved families’ “mitorikan” of a palliative care unit – Main study protocol and pilot study –
  • Tocolysis with ritodrine hydrochloride: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  • A survey on outpatients’ degree of understanding survival curves: A randomized controlled trial testing the use of a written description

Department of Health and Environmental Sciences

  • The bioconcentration factor of perfluorooctanesulphonate is significantly larger than that of perfluorooctanoic acid in wild turtles (Trachemys scripta alegans and Chinemys reevesii turtles): An Ai river ecological study in Japan

Department of Health Promotion and Human Behavior

  • A study on primary prevention of allergic symptoms with probiotics: Clinical trials at Oguni town
  • Development and long-term learning effects on bimanual coordination
  • Disease severity in children with atopic dermatitis and family psychosocial factors

Department of Ecology with Emphasis on the Environment

  • An attempt to isolate the pandemic strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from imported seafood

Department of Field Medicine

  • Depression and performance intelligence in elderly people