Kyoto University School of Public Health

Dr. Satoshi Funada (Current affiliation: Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Keio University School of Medicine), Dr. Yan Luo (Current affiliation: Medical Education Center), and Professor Toshiaki Furukawa from Department of Health Promotion and Human Behavior published the thesis reporting the results of bibliometric analyses about theses on COVID-19, which were published between January 2020 and December 2022, and were highly cited by researchers over the last two months, in JAMA Network Open (IF=16.8)

Generals 2023/09/11

In 2021, as many as 1292 theses about COVID-19 were frequently quoted by researchers. The number of the theses highly cited peaked in 2021 and declined to 649 in 2022. At the early stage, many theses were published from China, but in the end of 2021, more theses were from the US and UK. The five universities published most by the end of 2022 are Harvard University, University College London, University of Oxford, University of London, Imperial College London.

Funada S, Yoshioka T, Luo Y, Iwama T, Mori C, Yamada N, Yoshida H, Katanoda K & Furukawa TA (2023) Global Trends in Highly Cited Studies in COVID-19 Research. JAMA Network Open, 6, e2332802-e2332802.