Kyoto University School of Public Health

Summary of KUSPH Short Course on July 16, 2021

Generals 2021/10/11

Kyoto University School of Public Health Short Course on July 16th, 2021 (17:00-18:30 JST)
Getting the Best Out of Computerized Health Data

  • Prof. Liam Smeeth

Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Director, London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine

Brief Overview of the Lecture:
The increasing availability of computerized data offers exciting opportunities for health research. However, there is a danger that being able to do more research quickly and cheaply will reduce research quality leading to misleading evidence and possible harms. Using a range of examples including studies from the Covid 19 pandemic, Professor Smeeth will illustrate strategies to help ensure research using computerized data is robust and reliable.

Big data is a trend not only in the field of public health but with any other academic disciplines and also for practical application. More health data are available for analysis, which is an opportunity to bring new insights and solutions in the field of public health. At the same time, there are some issues associated with dealing with computerized health data, such as confounding, data quality and validation, as well as transparency and reproducibility. Some initiatives are conducted by Prof. Smeeth to create reporting guidelines for observational studies using routinely collected computerized health data. Prof. Smeeth also mentioned the importance of gaining the support of the general public so that the health-related data can be utilized effectively.

Organized by:
Ayako Kohno, Program-specific Assistant Professor
Internationalization Promotion Office (IPO),
Kyoto University School of Public Health