Kyoto University School of Public Health

Best Teacher Award 2019 and Best Coursework Award 2019

Students 2020/04/30

【Best Teacher Award 2019】

Congratulations on winning the award.
中山健夫 Takeo Nakayama, MD, PhD, Professor
(健康情報学分野 教授)

【Subjects taught】
Epidemiology I:One of the core courses of KUSPH. I introduce basis knowledge and episodes of epidemiology.I would be very pleased if you find epidemiology useful, interesting and essential.

Critical Appraisal: Through group works, I introduce and explain check points to read literature of
observational studies, clinical trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines.

Methods of Health Science Research: I give lectures on research integrity, reporting guidelines and so on.
Scientific misconducts have been getting serious. I hope students should be aware of that.

【Emphases in class]】&【Messages to the students】
Do our current best.
土居正明 Masaaki Doi, PhD, Associate Professor
(医療統計学分野 准教授)

【Subjects taught】
・Intermediate Biostatistics
・Health Data Processing Laboratory
・Practical Skills for Clinical Biostatisticians
・Multiplicity in clinical trials

【Emphases in class】
My esteemed professor said “Don’t be in a hurry, because your knowledge will increase with time. On the other hand, your ability to think does not increase with time, so you should train it consciously every day.” I’m setting up a training program to develop the ability to think deeply.

【Messages to the students】
I’m very honored to receive this award. I am very much stimulated by the intellectual curiosity of students. I am very happy that I was able to repay that.
I owe this award to all the present and former staffs in departments of biostatistics and clinical biostatistics, especially to professor Sato and assistant professor Omiya. I’d like to thank all of the staffs.

【Best Coursework Award 2019】

Congratulations on winning the award.
Fundamentals of Biostatistics
【Instructor】Tosiya Sato(Professor of Biostatistics)
【Outline and Purpose of the Course】
It is widely recognized that medical statistics are essential for the practice of and research on social healthcare. However, medical statistics textbooks are filled with suspect mathematical formulae and are difficult to comprehend. All but some enthusiasts shy away from them such textbooks. However, in reality, medical statistics are rather interesting. In order to communicate this to all students, we explain the concepts of medical statistics in plain language without broaching mathematical and technical issues.
Practical Skills for Clinical Biostatisticians
Masaaki Doi (Associate Professor of Biostatistics),
Tosiya Sato(Professor of Biostatistics),
Masatomo Omiya (Assistant Professor of Biostatistics)
Katsuhiro Omae (Assistant Professor of Clinical Biostatistics),
Toru Imai (Assistant Professor of Clinical Biostatistics)

【Outline and Purpose of the Course】
Students will acquire the minimum knowledge of statistical programming required of clinical statisticians, and practice programming, simple aggregation, and analysis. This course will also prepare students for courses on programming in statistics that are offered in the second semester.