Kyoto University School of Public Health

Medical Genetics (Genetic Counsellor Course)

class_kosugiShinji Kosugi, M.D., PH.D., Professor

As the most important subject of present medical ethics, we focus on issues of medical genetics. Major issues are ethical consideration on genetic counseling, next generation sequencer, genome cohort research and so on. Further, our studies include collaborative clinical and genetic research such as breast cancer, hearing disturbance and endocrine diseases.
We have a genetic counselor education course as Professional Degree Programs in School of Public Health. Further, we play a central role for clinical practice and education in Clinical Genetic Unit in the Kyoto University Hospital.

Research and Education

Research foci are on medical genetics, genetic science and genetic counseling. As for the issues on genetic diagnosis, study on quality control of genetic tests and study on incidental findings by next generation sequencer are important subjects. Professor Shinji Kosugi is a major member of MEN (Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia) Consortium and continuously producing q a lot of outcome on MEN type 1. This field is the Professor’s life study theme. We collaborate with Department of Breast Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology and Center of Medical Research Support and explorer new responsible genes such as ones of hereditary breast cancer and hearing disturbance. Further, we play a major role of social studies with patients’ groups and genome cohort study in Nagahama city.
Together with research activities, we take a proactive stance on education of professionals. Education of genetic counselors is major. We are educating medical genetics and medical ethics for medical students. Further, education of research ethics for researches, graduate students and research supporters is done with ethics committee.


Scientific meeting



Recent Publications

  1. Jin ZB, Mandai M, Yokota T, Higuchi K, Ohmori K, Ohtsuki F, Takakura S, Itabashi T, Wada Y, Akimoto M, Ooto S, Suzuki T, Hirami Y, Ikeda H, Kawagoe N, Oishi A, Ichiyama S, Takahashi M, Yoshimura N, Kosugi S. (2008) Identifying Pathogenic Genetic Background of Simplex or Multiplex rRetinitis Pigmentosa Patients: A Large Scale Mutation Screening Study J Med Genet. 45(7):465-72
  2. Takenouchi S, Miyashita M, Tamura K, Kizawa Y, Kosugi S. (2011) Evaluation of the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium-Japan Faculty Development Program: Validity and Reliability of the ‘End-of-Life Nursing Education Questionnaire’. J Hospice Palliative Nursing. 13(6):368–375
  3. Sakurai A, Shinichi S, Kosugi S, Okamoto T, Uchino S, Miya A, Imai T, Kaji H, Komoto I, Miura D, Yamada M, Uruno T, Horiuchi K, Miyauchi A, Imamura M. (2012) Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 in Japan: Establishment and Analysis of a Multicenter Database. Clin Endocrinol. 76(4):533-539
  4. Yoshida A, Dowa Y, Murakami H, Kosugi S. (2013) Obtaining Subjects’ Consent to Publish Identifying Personal Information: Current Practices and Identifying Potential Issues. BMC Medical Ethics. 14:47
  5. Nishiyama M, Sawai H, Kosugi S. (2013) The Current State of Genetic Counseling Before and After Amniocentesis for Fetal Karyotyping in Japan: A Survey of Obstetric Hospital Clients of a Prenatal Testing Laboratory. J Genet Counsel. 22:795–804

Medical Ethics

Professor Shinji Kosugi
Tel +81-75-753-4647
FAX +81-75-753-4649
Associate Professor Takahito Wada
Associate Professor Hidehiko Miyake
Associate Professor Iori Ohmori
Lecturer Sosuke Iwae