Kyoto University School of Public Health

Best Teacher Award 2018

Students 2019/05/07

古川壽亮 Toshiaki Furukawa, MD, PhD, Professor
(健康増進・行動学分野 教授)

best-t_2018-furukawa【 Subjects taught 】
Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine
How to write papers in English
Clinical trials
Special seminar in study design I

【 Emphases in class 】
It is you, students, who learn in the class and not the professor. I therefore designate a textbook and ask the students to prepare in advance. We can then discuss what is not covered in the textbook. It’s a waste of time for all of us if we only cover what is already in the textbook.

【 Messages to the students 】
To teach is to learn.
Thank you very much for selecting me for the Best Teacher’s Award this year. I consider it to be an immense honor.


佐藤俊哉 Tosiya Sato, PhD, Professor
(医療統計学分野 教授)

best-t_2018-sato【 Subjects taught 】
Fundamentals of Biostatistics
Introduction to Statistical Computing and Data Management
Statistical Methods in Observational Studies
Statisticians Standard of Conducts

【 Emphases in class 】
– Extensive preparation
– Larger points in my slides
– Clear voice
– Distribute class materials after the class

【 Messages to the students 】
Read science fictions!